Thursday 23 June 2011

Beats by Dr. Dre

BEATS Franchise by Dr. Dre

STUDIO BEATS, one of the first models of the BEATS franchise

        If you are looking for High Def quality music, this is just the thing you really need. BEATS yep Beats by Dr. Dre is here to save you from crappy sounding headphones or loudspeakers! With this evolutionary technology, you will be able to listen to music like never before. The sound quality is truly amazing, you can feel the low bass and even the high sounding techno tune in your bones, begging you to move them!
Yeah its that good! If I were, I would surely buy them.

What is BEATS anyway? 
Created in 2008, Found in so many music videos, Beats is a brand of headphones and loudspeakers created by hip hop musician Dr. Dre a.k.a. Andre Romelle Young along with Interscope-Geffen-Records chairman Jimmy Lovine.
Andre Romelle Young a.k.a. Dr. Dre one of the key creators of BEATS
Right now, there are only 12 versions
of the product. Six are headphones, and the other half are earphones manufactured by Monster Cable Products. The first version of the BEATS franchise was the Studio Beats. It was an over-the-ear headphones that incorporates a high-power digital amplifier and powered noise-cancelling requiring the use of 2 AAA batteries to operate. 

BEATS models

BEATS SOLO HD, Colors: White, Black, Red, and Purple
There are four models in the BEATS franchise and they are: Over-the-ear headphones, On-ear headphones, In-ear headphones, and Loudspeakers.

Here are some photos:

Over-the-ear Headphones

Studio Headphones


On-ear Headphones

Solo HD

BEATS Solo HD Red Edition

 JustBeats Solo by Justin Bieber

In-ear Headphones



JustBeats iBeats by Justin Bieber

HeartBeats by Lady Gaga

DiddyBeats by P.Diddy

PowerBeats by Lebron James



Beats partnered with HP to create laptops and desktops with high-end audio capabilities.


Apparently, the downside of a device like BEATS has its downside. The sadness of every happiness, the clouds closing out the shining sun, yes, the PRICE! Of course, price is the problem to every pleasurable item. The higher the price of an object, the more pleasure you get out of it! It is the ugly truth of reality, and we can't escape it. Prices for the products are between $119.95 or RM365.46(Earphones) to $499.95 or RM1523.25(Headphones and Pro beats). Pretty pricy huh? No Doubt about that.

Nowadays, since people cannot afford the original price of the headphones. Factories around the world have created replicas of the original Beats product and sell them at a cheaper and affordable price. In Malaysia, you can buy one of them at the Hotlink branches. There is a small Hotlink branch in INTI International University Nilai, Malaysia that sells BEATS products. 

Here's the Map:

They sell In-Ear Earphones for about RM110 and the Beats Headphones for about RM500. A pretty reasonable and affordable price for everyone. The downside is that, the people who made this only copied its outer design but when you listen to the sound quality, the High Def features won't be available. It's just a normal sounding earphones without any special features.

Here's a Commercial for PowerBeats ENJOY!!!

For more info go to:

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Epic Win/Fail


How did this revolutionary term really started? Who was the genius behind this? Apparently it wasn't anything special how it started. It all started during a court meeting when Ben Bernanke and Henry Paulson testified to some banking stuff. And suddenly, a demonstrator holding an 8.5 by 11 piece of paper with a "FAIL" written on it. But is this really how it all started? Just because a demonstrator held up a piece of paper, it suddenly evolved into something this big? NO!! Apparently this trend has existed before in the 90's and everyone has just forgotten about it.
It only became famous once again between the years 2007 - 2008.

Another question would be why is there a word "EPIC" attached to it? Is it because it sounds more cooler that way? What was the purpose of it? One question after another. Does it really matter. All we know is, "FAIL/WIN" has been a big hit for a few years now. It has become such a big hit that it even has its own websites displaying people doing idiotic things from photos to videos. 

What is fail really anyway? FAIL is a modern terminology that is derived from the word FAILURE. For an easier explanation, FAIL always has something to do with someone trying to either attempt to do something idiotic, or someone who does something stupid but not on purpose.
Just take an old photo of yourself in a completely funny position and just add a FAIL/WIN to it.  Confusing? NO WORRIES!! 
Here are some examples of it. 

Pretty funny right? Here's Some more:

So how do we make a FAIL/WIN picture? It's easier than you think. Just first take a ridiculous/embarrassing/crazy/funny looking picture of yourself or someone else's pic and just add the Word FAIL/WIN to any area of the picture! And there you have it! Your very own Fail/Win Picture! All you have to do now is to upload it to FACEBOOK, TWITTER, or whatever social networking site you have. AND LAUGH AWAY!!!

How to know whether to put a "Epic WIN" or an "Epic FAIL"?

Good Question!
Depending on the photo or video you currently have. You yourself could tell whether its a "WIN" or not.
Apparently there's not a lot of "WINS" out there, but when it comes to the number of "FAILS"? COUNTLESS!!! There's so many fails that you could not even put a "WIN" on it!

Here are some examples of EPIC WINS:


Nice huh? New photos and videos are uploaded everyday, and there's a lot of people out there waiting for the right photos/videos for judge whether the photo is a FAIL or a WIN! And I am one of those people. JOIN ME! AND TOGETHER WE SHALL JUDGE THE FATES OF HUMANS AROUND THE WORLD!!!!(In a good way of course.)



For more FAIL/WIN go to the links below: